How to Increase Your Internet Speed?

How to improve the download speed of my PC?

IDEA-1. check
the memory size

(start , run , type "dxdiag'
, Press OK)

If the available memory is very low, it will affect the download speed.
Memory size of 2GB or more is better. If you have less than 512 MB, surely,
it will affect the speed of Internet.

check the free space in c: drive.

When the physical memory (RAM) is used up, XP looks to the paging file
for its excess requirements. This memory is known as virtual memory. (XP
makes the default paging file approximately 1.5 times the amount of installed
RAM). The available virtual memory in your pc (windows xp) can be seen
by the command:

Start ,Run , type "dxdiag', Press OK

Install a Download Accelerator software

1. You can install "Download Accelerator
Plus" (abbreviated as DAP). This will increase the speed of download
almost by 5 times.

Precaution: If your computer is holding critical data,
think twice before downloading and installing softwares from Internet.
There is always risk.

How DAP works?

  • DAP creates five simultaneous connections with the
    server and does the parallel downloads.

  • Have a look at the screen capture. I am downloading
    a youtube video through using DAP.

  • The netstat command shows five parallel connections.
    The DAP window also shows five connections and the quantity downloaded by
    each connection..


Check the Speed of your Internet Connection.


the speed is too low, better change your Internet Company. I have given
here five or six links which offers free-speed checking facility.

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