Mother's Love ( top 8 paintings)

Here are the top 8 paintings on the topic "Mother's Love"...for some of the paintings, artists names not known. If you know, please let me know...

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"

The most famous top 8 paintings on the title "Mothers' Love" and "Baby and Mother"